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Chris Arcand

Principal Engineer building Terraform at HashiCorp 👨‍💻 Formerly: Red Hat, NBC SportsEngine, RubyMN organizer. Once played the clarinet for a living, now making a living to play hockey. I make pointless connections to Minnesota as a Minnesotan does.

St. Paul, MN

Null Coalescing Operators and Ruby's Conditional Assignments

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (not really) I started learning and writing Ruby professionally by diving in to an existing Rails project. Learning in a ‘trial by fire’ sort of setting with other developers more experienced with a language is a great way to pick something up very quickly. I remember the first time coming across something similar to the following:

def something
  @something ||=

This is probably the most basic and ubiquitous form of memoization in Ruby. In this case, I was told that with the combination of the ||= operator and Ruby’s implicit return this means:

Assign @something to a new Something object if it isn’t already initialized and return it, otherwise return the preexisting value of @something

It’s a simplistic answer but a sufficient one to tell a newcomer in the middle of a project. Having experience in other languages, I thought to myself Ah! Ruby’s null coalescing operator! I wondered about it but it never really occurred to me why the syntax of such an operator was the double pipe (||). Shrug, move on.

After writing Ruby for a quite a while and having written various versions of this same pattern many, many times, I was recently burned by ||=. I had to very quickly come up with a toggle in a class and came up with this:

def some_toggle
  @some_toggle ||= true

Note that not only is this a dumb use for using this memoization pattern (there are many ways to create such a toggle with a default value of true - don’t use this one that I rushed to), it also doesn’t work. After a very short investigation of the issue and actually taking a moment to rediscover this operator myself, I quickly realized my (perhaps obvious) misunderstanding.

True Null Coalescing Operators

A true null coalescing operator is “a binary operator that is part of the syntax for a basic conditional expression” where you can both specify a value to be evaluated which is returned if not null and a value to be returned if the first value is null. That mouthful can be seen in this pseudo-code:

/* Given two arguments... */

if $first_argument is NOT NULL
  return $first_argument
  return $second_argument

‘NOT NULL’ could also just mean ‘undefined’. Some programming languages don’t have an implicit notion of NULL. Many languages implement null coalescing operators. Here are just a few examples:

Perl’s version is //

my $greeting = $more_personal_greeting // "Hello.";

In C#, the operator is ??

string greeting = morePersonalGreeting ?? "Hello.";

Swift takes a cue from C# and also has ??

var greeting: String = morePersonalGreeting ?? "Hello."

From PHP5 and on, you can leave out the middle part of a ternary operator to create a binary one.

// Use a full ternary expression...
$greeting = $more_personal_greeting ? $more_personal_greeting : "Hello.";

// Or omit the 'if true' portion
$greeting = $more_personal_greeting ?: "Hello.";

Apparently future versions of PHP might have a true ?? operator like C# and Swift.

Groovy took PHP’s thunder and actually made a separate operator out of ?:, calling it the ‘Elvis operator’. Look at it like an emoji. See Elvis’s hair curl?

def greeting = morePersonalGreeting ?: "Hello."

Of course, all of these examples are null coalescing without implicit assignment; We’re assigning $greeting based on the existence of $more_personal_greeting. In Perl (at least) there’s a variation on // that acts and looks even more like Ruby’s ||= where assigning and checking $greeting is done implicitly:

my $greeting //= "Hello.";

$greeting is assigned to $greeting if it’s defined (no change) or "Hello." otherwise.

Ruby’s Conditional Assignments

Although it’s often used like it, Ruby’s ||= is not a null coalescing operator but a conditional assignment operator. In my quickly written Ruby example, @some_toggle ||= true always returns true, even if @some_toggle was previously assigned to false.

The reason is because this operator, ‘Or Equals’, coalesces false as well as nil. In Ruby anything that isn’t false or nil is truthy. ‘OrEquals’ is a shortcut for writing the following:

# Generally
a || a = b

# Our example
@some_toggle || @some_toggle = true

Oh. So that’s why the syntax is ‘double pipe equals’, ||=. All this operator does is take Ruby’s easy || logic operator and combine it with the assignment operator =. In hindsight - after having a lot more experience with Ruby logic and logical operators in general - it makes perfect sense. It’s not wrong, it’s just not a true null coalescing assignment operator. Don’t fall victim!

A Ruby version of what we’re trying to do could look like this:

def some_toggle
  @some_toggle = defined?(@some_toggle) ? @some_toggle : true
# Though even this isn't exactly the same - @some_toggle is _always_
# assigned (potentially to itself) in this case

Lastly, saying ‘||= is a conditional assignment operator’ is only a subset of the larger truth. The mix of various operators and assignment is simply referred to as abbreviated assignment. You’ve probably seen this in the form of += to increment a counter or add to a string. In fact, you can mix any of the following operators in the pattern <operator>=: +, -, *, /, %, **, &, &&, |, ||, ^, <<, >>.

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