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Chris Arcand

Principal Engineer building Terraform at HashiCorp 👨‍💻 Formerly: Red Hat, NBC SportsEngine, RubyMN organizer. Once played the clarinet for a living, now making a living to play hockey. I make pointless connections to Minnesota as a Minnesotan does.

St. Paul, MN

Using Git in Your Gemspec

This was originally written for Coding in the Crease. View the original post here.

Over the past few weeks I’ve spent a lot of time working on a few of the modules we use here at Sport Ngin - mostly Ruby gems such as Opsicle, our OpsWorks CLI gem. As I’ve acquainted myself with architecting and testing gems locally, the use of git in gemspecs caught my attention.

Gemspecs and ‘git ls-files’

If you’re unfamiliar with gems, a .gemspec file contains a Specification class with setter methods to assign various bits of information on a gem. This class is then used to build the gem. One of the attributes, named files, contains all of the files you wish to include in your build.

It’s very common to see a shell command with git used for files. Usually some variation of git ls-files is used, which outputs a full list of your project’s files. If you use Bundler to generate a new gem scaffold by running bundle gem <gemname>, you’ll get a gemspec file like this:

An issue you might git

Using git ls-files to get all of the files in the directory seemed pretty clever to me. Yet regardless of git being the de facto VCS of choice for most gems (Here, here, here, everywhere…), I still found it interesting that a shell command to an external tool with its own configuration would be used. I shrugged my shoulders and continued working, until I ran in to a small issue that took me a few moments to figure out:

Using git ls-files, you get all of the files in the git index and the working tree (documentation, here). That means if you’re playing around with a gem for use in another project, you can’t leave your musings in untracked files to test.

For example, say you’re tinkering with ‘examplegem’ and you add a new file: /examplegem/lib/examplegem/newfile.rb. If you’re using something like gem "examplegem", :path => "../examplegem" in the Gemfile of a project in a sibling directory for local development, that file won’t be included in the link. If it’s something really basic, you won’t get any error for the functionality being missing when you try and test it.

You’ve got [at least] a few options:

  1. Add your files to the index
    Even if you don’t plan on actually committing your newfile.rb, using git add newfile.rb will add it to the index and thus be included in your gemspec’s files.

  2. Add flags to your git command
    You could add --deleted, --modified, or --others (i.e. untracked files) to your git command in the gemspec, though this sort of solution seems hacky to me.

  3. Stop using git for your gemspec’s files
    You don’t need it.

    Instead of using git, you could use something along the lines of this:

    spec.files = Dir.glob("{bin,lib}/**/*") + %w(LICENSE

    Or if you’re looking for a well-known example, here’s the gemspec from rails/actionpack:

    spec.files = Dir['', 'README.rdoc', 'MIT-LICENSE', 'lib/**/*']

Using git affects your project

This subtle little side effect may seem insignificant, but I do like to know the consequences of my decisions, even the minor ones. It’s probably not often that you run in to issues with completely unindexed files in your gem, using it in the situation I managed to find myself in.

Still, this got me curious and I looked around at other projects and how the use of git may be a good or bad thing. Take Bundler’s gemspec, where they have to append /man/ because they want it in the gem, but not under source control when you generate it locally:

On the opposite end of the spectrum, check out Vagrant’s gemspec, where Mitchell Hashimoto isn’t afraid to put forth some effort to get exactly what he wants based on .gitignore without actually using git:

A more ‘correct’ solution?

As is the case with most things in development, the answer to the correctness of any of these methods is It Depends™. Do you care whether or not a bunch of extra files are in your gem? Do you want to meticulously pick out which files you want in the gem? For many projects this may be a fairly inconsequential issue, and you shouldn’t spend a great deal of time thinking about the perfect solution unless you are working on a very large project with specific needs.

Using git ls-files is a fine default for Bundler to feed you when you want to throw together a gem quickly - but no matter what you actually go with (I’m going with git, myself) considering these small details and their [minor] consequences is important when trying to architect something well.

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