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Chris Arcand

Principal Engineer building Terraform at HashiCorp 👨‍💻 Formerly: Red Hat, NBC SportsEngine, RubyMN organizer. Once played the clarinet for a living, now making a living to play hockey. I make pointless connections to Minnesota as a Minnesotan does.

St. Paul, MN



Bye Bye Birdie


RailsConf 2019 Visitor's Guide to Minneapolis

Interview Your Interviewers


Why GraphQL?

Embrace Boredom

Focusing on what's important: Managing GitHub notifications with Octobox


An Atypical 'Performance' Talk


Retiring Dug; Hello Octobox!


Deletion Driven Development: Code to delete code!

The Search For <Class:0x00000027b59290>

Testing in ManageIQ

I'm moving! A thank you to DC Rubyists

Don't become an Expert Beginner

Git autofix for amending Pull Requests

A Comprehensive Degree of Ruby 2.3

Introducing Dug

Manually setting languages on GitHub with Linguist's (Improved) Vim Modeline Detection

Why I Strive to be a 0.1x Engineer

Vim's new :cdo command


Inline scoped Ruby methods with Ctags

Oliver Sacks dies at 82

Memoized helpers and before hooks in RSpec

Null Coalescing Operators and Ruby's Conditional Assignments

Dunbar's Number and Working Better with Those We Actually Know

RSpec Pattern for Testing Permissions

Perl Compatible Regular Expressions in vim


Upgrading to OSX Yosemite

Git Unleashed

Programming Easter Eggs

Off to Our Nation's Capital

Using Git in Your Gemspec


'What happened to the orchestra?'

Accepted a position at Sport Ngin!

Sublime Text Settings and Dotfiles

Movie Projections using Relational Databases and Classification